Junior Arabber Experience
Experience Arabber culture and horse connection, for kids and teens
November 23, 10 am — 3 pm
Stable Baltimore
Healing With Horses
Creating Dynamic Stables
Arabbers are horse and wagon produce vendors, the last of their kind in America, working to address the entire food system. Our Stables are support spaces to improve the quality, sustainability, and reach of Arab Culture while providing food stability solutions for low-access neighborhoods.
Horse Healing
Horses have natural healing characteristics that have served the community for centuries. Our stables amplify this work for specific populations and for the community as a whole through a combination of breathing, grooming, and walking activities that connect people and horses, without riding.
Art Actvism
Baltimore's rich history of protest and art is at the heart of the creative vision, creating a multifaceted approach to empower local voices and advocate for the disempowered. Our stables teach creative skills and work with artists to engage he community in our mission of peace and food for all
Arabber Experiences
Stable Baltimore offers a range of activities for people interested in engaging the arabbers, from tours to workshops to ride alongs, we have ways for people of all ages to be a part of Baltimore culture.
Horse Connections
Stable Baltimore is a place to connect with horses and yourself in an urban setting, we offer classes for students and camps, workshops for trauma survivors, and healing hands-on engagements all over the city
Meet the Team
Levar Mullin
M. Holden Warren
Sarah Stein
Steven Rivelis